I believe my stongest trait is enduring through my circumstances, Throught my academic years, this trait has proven itself reliable time and time again as I am aware of what I am working towards and the measures I have to take to achieve them. And so, not matter how complex and tiresome the workload may become, it shall be faced as another stepping stone towards academic success.
I try to maintain a positive emotion at all times as I believe this plays a pivotal role between success and failure. Positive emotions like enthusiasm and curiosity tends to lead to greater engagement with the course material and a deeper understanding within my studies. On the other hand, managing negative emotions such as stress or anxiety is crucial to maintain focus and mental well-being and so this is something i am currently working on.
Knowing how to balance hobbies and academia is quite important. However, as the years progress, I find myself decreasing in number for hobbies as my workload tends to increase. Currently my hobbies are shifting from playing sports and video games and towards playing with the knowledge I gain from my classes.
One of the persons I idolise the most is Tajeme Robbinson, my cadet superior back in high school. Tajeme never showed fear of being disliked but instead goes above and beyond to get tasks accomplished. The reason I chose to highlight Tajeme as my current role is that in this current moment, Though I have so many reasons to be doing other tasks, I have to remind myself that "Excuses are monuments of nothing, they build bridges to nowhere, and masters of excuses are simply masters of nothing themselves". This is a quote I have have adapted from him on a camp night in 2018, I felt weak both physically as we were carrying out rather streneous tasks with a negative attitude but a fire kindled within the moment I heard the Sergeant shouted those words from the back of our rank. words that motivated me to go on finding strength from within and so this is a moment I will probably remember for the rest of my life.
I believ ethe test has validity in general as the characteristics presented by
the test are indeed the qualities one would seek in a guardian.
On the hand, In my case, I would not pass the results form the test as valid as
the results boasts on my less involved characteristics and even characteristics which
I can't accept as my own.